Fun Stuff

One of the nice things about email is that you often get non-work related mail from friends and collegues all over the world. Except from Germany, because they are too serious to use mail at work for fun stuff. By the way, you know that according to the Guiness Book of World Records the "thinnest book ever published" came from Germany? It is called "100 years of German humor". Sorry guys, I couldn't help it.

I devided the funnies in several categories: pictures, executables (usually MS Windoze, movies and stories).

MPEG/AVI movies

President Clinton in a video game (French spoken, but you'll get the message)
That's what you get when you hurt a horse
Singing Dick, a classic you gotta see and hear.
Watch out for the rabbit!, not really funny, but more amazing.
Are you sure how to handle that gun?
Alien Song, turning on the sound is essential
A very cool chocolate commercial
A very horny donkey
Don't mess with the cat
What is that monkey drinking?
A High Tech commercial
Are you also getting tired of these people washing your car?
I just hate that damn computer!

Shockwave Flash Movies, most of them are from Joe Cartoon

Frog Bender 2000
Bubble Stinky Boy
Typical Joe Cartoon menu

Exe files

Windows exe file from Joe Cartoon about a fish
Windows exe file with a gerbil in a microwave
Windows exe file with a gift from Joe
Joe Cartoon humor in Windows exe format
Dutch program you must install on a computer at work
Look at the mouse pointer when starting this
Are you bored during meetings?
Easter Bunny game
We always laugh when we hear a fart
The Fart Machine 5.0
Never mess with a Gipsy!
Santa is a bit drunk
Merry Christmas played by reindeer
Desktop game, to reduce the stress at the office
Santa on the desktop
The amazing Voodoo Dick
Wedge Master, by Joe Cartoon
Christmas desktop theme
Have your picture taken, a Powerpoint presentation
Genetic Experiments, a Powerpoint presentation in Dutch


Caveman is trouble
Lady in distress
Duck caught by dutch speeding camera
Dutch joke about sperm cells
Office 2000

Sound files

The F word explained


To give you an impression about my (lack off) humor, here are some stories or articles that I find funny:

Bastard operator from hell
Hacker test
Nerd test
McDonnel-Douglas owner registration
Research paper interpretation
Selecting programming languages made easy
What programming language are you using
God, the universe, and the bit
Darwin award
Darwin award (continued)
Darwin award (continued)
Funny remarks
Upgrade of GirlFriend 6.0 to Wife 1.0
Help Desk Story
Joke about a German and a Dutchman
Things you don't want to hear during surgery
Amazing Discovery (Dutch)
Funny comic

This document was last updated on 10/08/01