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This edge brightened double FR II type source at has such an ultra steep spectrum that neither lobe was even detected at 2 cm (). Both lobes are roughly equivalent in brightness at both 20 cm and 6 cm, but the eastern lobe B is fainter with a steeper spectral index (Fig 10a,b). Both lobes have extended emission leading to the hot spots. A flat spectrum core () becomes evident at 6 cm but must steepen significantly by 2 cm. In the 6 cm image at higher spatial resolution (0.4", Fig. 10k) the unresolved core is more distinct. In this image we can see that the radio axis is slightly curved in a rough S shape about the core; lobe B is twice the distance from the core as lobe A. On the western side the jet is resolved, becoming more luminous as it approaches the hot spot at the end of lobe A. Lobe B is smoothly extended to the east.

In the radio polarization images (Fig 10 c and d), lobe B becomes repolarized, with a aperture measurement of DP = 1.3. This is due to extended emission in the lobe, which is more easily detected at 20 cm. The polarization angle rotates in the extended flux east of the peak at 20 cm. This component is not detected at 6 cm. In the higher resolution image (Fig 10 k), the polarization vectors are plotted, and the depolarization to the east in lobe B can be seen. In lobe A, only an unresolved hot spot is detected in polarization at either frequency, and it is strongly depolarized with a DP = 0.25. Since the jet is well defined and associated with the brighter lobe, this appears to be the foreground side in spite of the aperture measurements of the DP which would indicate differently. The depolarization measurements of lobe B are clearly affected by the extended emission and complicated by depolarization within the source and the USS.

The optical identification is in field which has a relatively bright foreground galaxy and three bright stars (Fig 1f). The object is particularly interesting because of the curved nature of the radio source. If the radio axis were simply defined as a straight line between the end of the lobes, then the optical emission in most of the bands would appear slightly mis-aligned. However, using the high resolution radio image (Fig lOk) we see that the optical images are generally well aligned with the radio axis as extrapolated smoothly in an S shape from lobe A, down the resolved jet to the core, and on towards lobe B. Thus the alignment in 4C28.58 is with the position angle of jet at the core.

However, in detail the color gradients are more complicated. The UV continuum in the rest frame shown in the V band image (Fig 10e) is distributed over a large elongated region and aligned slightly to the north of the radio axis, with diffuse emission surrounding it. In the R band the central contour in Fig 10f outlines a depression, not a peak; the morphology becomes bifurcated near the position of the radio core, with two components closely aligned with the radio axis. In the I band the southern of the two components begins to dominate. In the K band the object is slightly extended and the peak is coincident with the bifurcation seen in the other bands. The Ly emission line nebula in Figure 10i is unusual. It is large and extended, but displaced to the east from the rest of the source. It is very diffuse with two barely distinguishable maxima, 55 deg to the radio axis.

The HST R band (F702W) image is shown in Fig 10j. It is scaled to the ground based and radio images in Figures 10a - 10j. The radio galaxy is resolved and consists of two distinct components aligned along the curved extension of the radio jet. These are the same two components seen in the ground based R band image Fig 10f. An enlarged view of the HST image of 4C28.58 is shown in Figure 10l. The two major components, roughly equal in brightness, are surrounded by small faint clumps. The northern peak, is more compact and the slightly fainter of the two sources. The southern peak is more extended. Are the faint structures real? Note that the faint artifacts from deconvolution that can be seen in star are at much fainter level relative to the peak in intensity.

A crucial issue is the position of these components relative to the radio core. The astrometry is hindered because of the brightness of the stars in the field; they are saturated on the ground based images and in the HST image. The registration of the various optical and HST images is not affected since fainter objects in the field can be used. However, the absolute positioning to the radio coordinates is probably not better than 0.5". Thus although the nominal astrometry puts the radio core near the a position between and , it could also plausibly be coincident with the southern component . This would place the northern component on the apparent foreground side based on the resolved jet and the radio lobe intensity asymmetry as discussed above.

The object has more extended emission along the east side than the west side, and although the large emission line nebulae is on a larger scale, it is noteworthy that the peculiar misalignment of the nebulae is on the eastern side too. The nebulae must be illuminated by some source of UV photons, so either the emission line gas or the illumination (or both) is asymmetric. If an asymmetric distribution of gas were responsible for bending the radio jet, the why is the southern jet bent also?

A series of clumps or companions are visible around the source. On the north side of is a ridge line that points to along the radio axis. The component has an arc like feature, centered about the peak of , and perhaps there is another very faint arc like feature further away. The and components might all be parts of an interrupted arc - they lie roughly along a similar curve. Note there is no evidence of a lensed radio core. The "gap" in this "arc" lies roughly in the same plane as the bifurcation in the main object.

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Wed May 29 16:34:20 MET DST 1996